Ryota Negishi
Undergraduate students
Yusuke Ouwada
Yuya Fujisaki
Saeko Kamiya
Reia Suga
Yui Sorimachi
Ryota Negishi
Toyo University, Fasulty of Science and Engineering, Dept.Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Associate Professor、Ph. D.

Academic Career
2003. 9 - 2007. 9 | Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute for Material Science, Japan |
2007. 10- 2008. 3 | Postdoctoral Fellow, RIKEN, Japan |
2008. 4 - 2009. 10 | Basic Special Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan |
2009. 11 - 2020. 3 | Assistant Professor, Osaka University, Japan |
2020. 4 - Current | Associate Professor, Toyo University |
2020. 4 - Current | Research Fellow, Osaka University(Concurrent Post) |
2009. 11. - Current | Research Fellow, RIKEN(Concurrent Post) |
Society Survices and Conference Organizer
2020 - Current | Kansai Branch of the JSAP, Secretary |
2018 - Current | Bulletin of Solid State Physics and Applications, Secretary |
2016 - Current | International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC) Program Committee |
2016 - 2019 | Kansai Branch of the JSAP, Exective Committee |
2015 - Current | JSAP Nanocarbon session, Program Comittee |
2014 - 2015 | The Society of Nano Science and Technology, Editional Committee |
2015 | 2nd Kansai Branch Lecture Meeting of the JSAP, Executive Committee |
2013 - 2015 | Kansai Branch of the JSAP, Treasurer |
2015 | Collegium of the Fullerences, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society, Executive Committee |
2013 | 3rd, Kansai Branch Lecture Meeting of the JSAP, Executive Committee |