Akihiro MATSUMOTO's curriculum vitae

Last update on 2010-05-26 (ISO 8601 format of describing date)
Akihiro MATSUMOTO is presently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Toyo University, Japan. His main interests include wide area of robotics and mechatronics. He received a B. Eng degree in 1981, M. Eng degree in 1983 and D. Eng degree in 1988 in Precision Machinery Engineering, all from the University of Tokyo. His research topic of the doctoral dissertation was on the programming language and system for industrial robots, and has worked on its standardization activity in the national level (JARA: Japan Robot Association) and international level (ISO) since then for more than 20 years. In 1988, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyo University. Then he started to work on the research into the distributed autonomous robot system, and meanwhile he developed a new type of omnidirectional mobile mechanism in the framework of a research project at RIKEN (The institute of Physical and Chemical Research). Using that omnidirectional mechanism, he is one of the active core members of RoboCup (an international research and education initiative on robot world cup) since then. He also joined in the development activity of ORiN that is a remote monitoring system through network in factory floor. From 1994 to 1995, he was a visiting scholar at the ENSPS (Ecôle Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg), Universié Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, France. He is also interested in manufacturing science and automation including macroassembly to microassembly. He is currently the president of JAAA (Japan Association for Automation Advancement). Recently he is also interested on the human assistive technology using biosignals, aiming for the realization of rehabilitation robotics. He is a member of IEEE, JSME, RSJ, JSPE, SICE, JARA and JAAA.
Home page of Akihiro MATSUMOTO
Home page of our Robotics Lab.

Edited by Akihiro MATSUMOTO