#!/bin/sh # MetaCard 2.3 stack # The following is not ASCII text, # so now would be a good time to q out of more exec mc $0 "$@"  dataProwÜÜÜÜÜÜ      ÿÿÿÿÿÿwhite¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬YKÚ¯dataProUVerdanaUVerdanaWVerdana menuGroupê @Ú¯íîòñëóïõúûü í (À Name Rate Traf Day Hour î Ø(l Result ïresultƒ)`Ä@ l ê )asahi 950 500 14 96 7000 98200 *tom 950 800 12 90 9600 95100 ,iida 950 800 12 90 9600 95100 *hara 950 430 14 70 6020 72520 ,phil 950 800 12 90 9600 95100   ð `¿Ajõ menuGroupI0on resizeStack set the lockLocation of me to true set the width of me to the width of this card set the width of button "menuButton" of me to the width of me - 6 set the left of button "menuButton" of me to 4 set the right of button "Help" of me to the width of me - 6 pass resizeStack end resizeStack Ú(ö menuButtonèA `Ô  ÷FileèÅ‹U”on menuPick which put cd fld "myFile" into myFile switch which case "Import" open file myFile for read read from file myFile until eof put it into cd fld "program" close file myFile break case "Export" open file myFile for write write cd fld "program" to file myFile close file myFile break case "Quit" quit MetaCard break end switch end menuPick '&Import/I &Export/E - &Quit/Q øEditèÅ‹UŸon menuPick which switch which case "Cut" cut break case "Copy" copy break case "Paste" paste break end switch end menuPick 1(Cu&t/X &Copy/C &Paste/V ùHelpèÅ‹Uoon menuPick which switch which case "Help..." break case "About..." break end switch end menuPick §-&Help... - &About...  ò  0 $ Small Data Processing ëdataƒ)`@¸l ê asahi 950 500 14 96 tom 950 800 12 90 ron 950 1150 0 0 iida 950 800 12 90 hara 950 430 14 70 phil 950 800 12 90  ì `¯AjñRunàw«ð.on mouseUp Do cd fld "program" end mouseUp L48<¢Run óprogram)`p̼ ê   3# Write your program (max 10 lines) here. 6# or 3# Imort your program using "Import" menu.  ú reset resultàe«p9on mouseUp put empty into cd fld "result" end mouseUp H,\ reset result û Tp your file name : ümyfile)`xT¼ ê albeit.txt